ponedjeljak, 16. svibnja 2016.

Web 2.0 tools

Web 2.0 tools

We can divide Web 2.0 tools by it's assignment. So there are tools and services:
  • for sharing photos (Flickr), webpages, favorite websites (Del.ici.ous)
  • for making documents (Wiki) , spreadsheets and webpages
  • for social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)
  • for multimedia: podcasts, streaming, sharing videos (YouTube), making and publishing movies
  • for managing with projects, accounts, family budgets
  • for collecting and archiving online material
  • for searching favorite music, authors, movies, books
  • for studying (Moodle)
  • for communication (Skype, GoogleTalk) 

About Web 2.0

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 is what people call new ways of showing or using things on the Internet. It is easy for people to publish their work, connect with other people, and share and exchange information.


 Before Web 2.0, Internet users could just read information on web pages. With Web 2.0, users can interact with the site and add information. We can comment, share, download or create almost every content with others. In Web 1.0, the previous version, information was only written by the website author. The Internet technology which is used for Web 2.0 is not different from the old Internet technology, but the ways people use the web has changed. 

 Some people think that Wikipedia is a great example of Web 2.0. Many other famous websites, such as Facebook and Youtube, are considered Web 2.0 Websites.